Public Art

Basilica of San Albino, Mesilla, New Mexico

San Albino
            Basilica Retablo by Virginia Maria Romero
Basilica of San Albino ©2009

Information update, August 23, 2024: Santera Virginia Maria Romero was asked in 2009 by Reverend Richard Catanach, Rector of the Basilica of San Albino, to create a retablo to commemorate the newly designated Basilica of San Albino by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. Upon completion, this retablo, San Albino Basilica, on loan by the artist to the Basilica was placed inside a specially built vitrine to protect the Retablo and displayed in its designated location inside the Basilica on a prominent wall behind the back pews. Several years later, sometime after 2017, the Basilica’s Reverend Christopher Williams had this Retablo removed from the protective vitrine and moved from its original location. The Retablo was then moved inside the Basilica’s crying-room above a doorway where it remained until sometime after February 21, 2024, when it mysteriously went missing from the Basilica. No explanation of its whereabouts have been provided to the artist, Virginia Maria Romero, who created and loaned this Retablo to the Basilica of San Albino.